Another project that never quite made it to the sidebar: a Habitat hat from brooklyn tweed (ravelry) that I made for my Dad. A while ago he mentioned offhandedly that he might need a toque, and I had a bit of time on my hands. Once I finished my Queen of Cups socks, I didn't have anything else ready to go, since I am waiting (impatiently) for an assortment of yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts to arrive. It only took a couple of days to knit this up, and the cables were lots of fun. It also reminded me that I've been toying with the idea of designing and knitting an aran afghan.
While I wait for my yarny ship to come in, I have plenty of other things to occupy my time: my loom is dressed and ready to weave my scarf, I started cutting out fabric for a wall quilt I have planned, and oh yeah, all those other in-progress projects laying around here... Today, however, I took a day off and played hooky with my mom. It was a good day.
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