I am told that March 15th is National Quilt Day. This may be a holiday merely in the U.S. for all I know, but I am taking the opportunity to show off the last quilt I made, since several people have been after me to post it, already.

I used the book One-Block Wonders by Maxine Rosenthal, which I borrowed from my sis. It is so much simpler than it looks (no, really!) Basically you stack your fabric so that the same repeat is layered six times, and then cut triangles which you then sew into hexagons. It makes a cool kaleidoscope effect, which you then arrange and rearrange to your heart's content. This rearranging step takes... oh... infinity. At some point you become so exhausted with it that you just decide it's good enough, and you stop. Then you slap on some borders and quilt it and show it off as much as possible so that everyone will tell you how pretty it is and how hard you must've worked and basically stroke your ego much more than this easy quilt really warrants.
I have fabric chosen to make several more. They are addictive, due to the ease of construction, the total surprise of what you end up with, and the general heaping of praise once finished.

About the surprise aspect -- here are a couple of pics of the original fabric to give you an idea of what I mean by this. I made the leftovers into a pillowcase, to coordinate with the quilt. It's a large-repeat fabric from Alexander Henry that is called Inked. Not sure how apparent it is in the photos that these girls are covered in tattoos. They are hot babes, the fabric is hot pink, basically it is so perfect, so
me. When you initially choose the fabric for the quilt, you really have no idea what it will end up like. It's sort of like creativity mixed with a surprise party, with a dash of fate. I mean, c'mon, doesn't that sound like a good time?

I've never seen one that is remotely ugly. Really -- do a google search for One Block Wonder photos and you'll see what I mean. They are all stunning. If you want to see some close-ups of the single blocks, go to my
flickr page and you can see some (click on them to see them bigger.) They are so fun to sew up -- it's hard to stop once you start, because each triangle leads to something so different and fun and interesting.
Hopefully soon I will get a couple more things made, and out of my sewing queue, and then I will get around to the next quilt.
(In knitting news, I have just turned the heel on the first sock...)
You did a fantastic job with the fabric! So glad that you enjoyed the designing. That is the fun part. This is addictive!
I so want to do this! Your is beautiful!
Beautiful. What a great fabric choice. I looked at the blocks on your flickr and it is amazing how different each one is.
Sounds like so much fun....love the print...nice job..
Wow, love the design
Fantastic! I was just looking at that book at JoAnns last night.
Baeutiful quilt. I love the final result. Amazing how you can use just one piece of fabric to make a quilt.
quite talented, you are... Beautiful
The way you used the fabric is wonderful and the resulting quilt is striking.
WOW!!! Your work is amazing. Pics like this so make me wanna learn to sew & quilt.
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