These are pretty basic toe-up socks, using the Universal Toe-Up sock pattern, which I have used many times before. I did the short row toe and heel that is described in the pattern, with a basic stripe in the rest of the sock, using a one-row teal stripe on a three-row grey background. I was trying to find a ratio that would use the two colours equally, when the teal was also used for the toe, heel, and ribbing accents. I came pretty close to evenly using both of them.

Although there are a million sock patterns out there -- lacy or cabley or ribby -- I keep coming back to this very basic pattern in a simple stockingette. It makes a snug and comfortable sock, and is such simple quick knitting. The thin little stripe adds some interest, and also makes it easy to knit them to match, since you can count the repeats on the first sock, to make the second one identical. I've had this yarn for ages, with precisely this design in mind, and chose to do it now as just a fast, easy knit to take a little bite out of my yarn stash -- a good thing, since I am spending the afternoon at a fiber festival tomorrow, and who knows what I may return with from there...