Whereas I used to store yarn and fabric in little stashes all over (i.e. the bedroom, closet, dining room (aka crafting zone) and living room) now I'm trying to consolidate it all in my bedroom. As I said, a challenge. I decided to try using more wall space for storage, which inspired me to bus my way to Michaels yesterday and pick up some inexpensive little woven birch baskets for the yarn stash that doesn't quite fit in my other storage spaces. Now my bedroom wall looks like a yarn store, and I am blissful. Oh just look at all that Koigu.
In the meantime, I have finished the right half of my garter stitch cardigan, and last night at the pub I started the left half. I also have made some good progress on my Fraggle Socks. When I decided not to use the Socks that Rock colourway that came with the kit, it was because a) I thought it was too busy and obscured the knitting design, and b) because the various shades of purple didn't seem like the truest Fraggle colours.

I remembered a fantastic skein of Handmaiden Casbah that I had in my stash, and immediately knew it was the perfect colour: the pinks, reds, oranges, and purples seemed really Fraggley to me. Well, it turns out that it's just as busy as the original yarn (if not even busier) but I still love the colour and think it's perfect. Plus it's soft as all get out, since it's part cashmere. Yeah, that's right. Yum.
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