For the fifth towel, I went with one in kelly green and magenta, which is definitely one of my favourites of the whole bunch. It's really bright and I like how the colours work together.
With the sixth towel, I realized that I was running out of towels to weave, and I wanted to get back to orange, since I had really liked the previous orange one a lot. Since I had done it with magenta already (and didn't want to do anything too tonally similar like the dark red) I matched it up with the dark purple. I like this one a lot too.

I had to get them off the loom quickly because I have a time-sensitive project to weave - Handwoven magazine is taking submissions for designs for a new e-book and I wanted to weave up a sample to submit it - but once that is all done, I will hem and wash and iron these towels and show them off as a set.
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