After doing
the last colourful set of towels, I really wanted to do another set in some different colours, and keep playing with the concept. I thought it would be fun to do a set in Mardi Gras colours (purple, green, and gold) so chose a couple of shades of each and used a weaving program on the computer to come up with a point twill stripe design that I liked. In the end, I also added a deep red to help balance out the darks and lights in the design.
Once I had the green summer and winter towels off the loom, I couldn't wait to get started on this warp, since it's so colourful and fun (and the weaving is comparatively mindless.)

My initial plan was to do seven towels in total, with each of the first three towels in one of the three colour groups. I started with one in Kelly Green and Pistachio. You can see it at the bottom of the photo. The two colours are both relatively light, and there wasn't a lot of contrast between the stripes. It made an overall wash of green over the colours of the whole warp, which I didn't hate, but it wasn't what I was imagining. I decided to nix my initial plan to follow up with a purple/magenta striped towel and an orange/yellow towel. I wanted more contrast between the stripes to make the towels more visually interesting.
With that in mind, I did the second towel in orange and magenta stripes. This one had a lot of visual pop and I was really happy with how it turned out. The colours have a good amount of contrast and they give the warp colours a lot of variation. I like how the twill diamonds alternate between columns when the weft stripes alternate between dark/light. In the green towel, they only show up distinctly in the dark warp stripes, since the greens are both so light.

For the third towel, I stayed with high contrast and did a towel with stripes in Pistachio green and a deep Purple. Again, I think the contrast makes it much better and I like the green better here.

I went with yellow and deep red stripes for the fourth towel. It is only subtly different than the previous one, but definitely still pleasing to the eye.
That passes the halfway point for the towels, since there should be a total of seven. I have a couple of colour combinations planned for the last ones, but to be honest, I'm actually reconsidering doing the yellow/orange combo... and even the purple/magenta... what do you think?