story of the Hue Shift Afghan has gone on for a while. I bought the kit from Knit Picks in the last vestiges of winter, and started knitting it up not long after, slowly working my way through the first three of four quadrants. Then I made a herculean effort to knit the last quadrant in five days in May, on our Jasper trip, and then set the whole thing down to languish before finishing the seaming and border. I am not usually one of those knitters who puts off finishing an almost-finished project (the two long-ignored knitted bags notwithstanding) but this one just sat and sat while I worked on other things. In the last week I finished up a handful of projects (some hats, some socks, some lacy cowls and a shawl) and I had an urge for something simple. Garter stitch borders couldn't be simpler.

When I ordered the kit, Knit Picks was out of the black yarn for the border, so I chose a dark violet instead. I think it's a perfect colour, since it is still dark but also really suits the rainbow colour scheme of the blanket, and is the next logical colour in the progression from either end.
I also really love how the lines made by the decreases on each of the mitred squares creates a sort of star design when the blanket is pieced together.
Even more awesome than finishing this is that I have a bunch of brightly coloured yarn scraps left over, so you know some lucky kid will be getting the most glorious rainbow scarf when I start my woven scarves for charity in the fall.
God damn, that is an amazing looking blanket. It'll be a treat to pull that out when Edmonton gets chilly!
I was wondering roughly how much did materials cost and about total hours spent? I am looking to find someone that would make this blanket and I trying to get a rough estimate of the cost.
I love hue designs weather it is fabric/yarn, flower designs, or any art form. You made a beautiful blanket.
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