Time has gotten away from me, a bit, and I realized that I'm going to have finished projects piling up around here, if I don't start posting about them. Don't get me wrong -- I'm still up to my elbows in yarn and working on a dozen things at once (with even more ideas waiting in the wings that I'm trying to get around to.) What I really need is a month or two away from work, so I can really make some progress on my ever-growing queue. (Note to self: start buying lottery tickets.)

This is a pair of socks that I made last week. They flew off the needles, because it was a relatively simple pattern in a luxurious soft cashmere-blend. They represent the first shipment of Cookie A's sock club, which I have to admit I signed up for almost immediately, when I saw her announcement at the end of last year.
The club offers two sock patterns, along with two cookie recipes, every two months. Of course it also includes a skein of sock yarn to knit the socks. February's shipment was Caper sock yarn from String Theory, which you can see is dyed a spectacular colour, including shades of my favourite teal.

Of the patterns offered, I chose the simplest one -- mostly because it is the most beautiful, in my opinion, but also because I was ready for a relatively simple sock. I say "relatively" only because somehow I never managed to memorize the eight-row lace panel. Usually by the heel of the first sock (or definitely by the beginning of the second sock) I'll have the design memorized and can carry on without the paper pattern, but this one just wouldn't stick, for some reason. Other than that, it was a basic top-down sock, as is Cookie's standard.

The back of the leg is 2x2 rib, which was a bit boring to knit by the time I reached the heel and stockingette sole, but other than that, it was quite an enjoyable knit. I have a bit of the yarn left, so I will even be able to make a few hexagons for my slowly-growing sock yarn blanket.
I regret to inform you that there are no photos of the delicious chocolate chip pecan cookies, since they were eaten, long ago. Actually, I don't regret it at all.
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