In plenty of time for Valentine's Day, I finished the socks last night -- the second one practically flew off the needles. I suspect that it was just because I'd run through the pattern once on the first sock, and got more comfortable with it, and with keeping track of where I was. (Also, because I'm so ready to start the two patterns that came with January's Rockin' Sock Club, one of which I am about to cast on in mere moments.)

The yarn was so beautiful to knit with; I just love the colours. I can see in these photos that the variegation really does take away from the cable pattern, but I still don't think I'm going to overdye it again to even it out. After all, I'm the only one that will see them, for the most part, and I like them like this. Perhaps I'm also rationalizing, but I also think the cables are more apparent in person than the photo would imply.

I also wanted to give a close-up of the cable that goes up the sides of the sock -- in the pattern, she refers to it as the Bitemark Cable, since it has two little bite holes within every little twist (hence the Vampire part of the Vampire Boyfriend.) I know I mentioned before that it was a bit of a pain, since it had a seven-row repeat, which made it a bit trickier to keep track of doing both patterns at once, but of course the payoff is worth it, since it is a really cute detail for the socks.
Very nice and again, it looks complicated..shouldn't they be for Halloween instead of Valentines? LOL
I love, love, love these socks! The over-dying was a genius move on your part. The colour works so well with the patter. Charming.
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