The old purse I was using was
a felted bag that I'd made yonks ago. The handle started to give out, and then, despite some attempts to maintain it, it finally had to be put to rest some months ago. I didn't have a new bag at the ready, so I just dug out this old fabric one I had, with a tattoo-print fabric and some plastic handles. It served my purposes for a while, but ultimately was also an old bag and started to show some wear and tear. In the last week, the zipper finally broke (on top of various other wear spots and rips in fabric, etc., so I decided it was finally time to stop procrastinating and make something new.

Fortunately I had a pattern and some fabric & notions already for a purse I'd been planning last spring, so I just took my weaving loom down from my crafting table to make room for a sewing project, and threw this baby together in the last 24 hours, natch.
A lovely batik with rainbow colours and a neutral background are paired with a coordinating purple batik handle and lining, matching purple buttons for a bit of embellishment, and a bright blue zipper just to throw everything a bit off kilter. There are pockets inside there, too, for my phone, my keys, my coffee cup cozy. It's got a pretty nice shape but is still not quite perfect. A gusset would be nice, for example, and the outer fabric is a smidge too large for the lining, imho. I will probably continue to make more purses in pursuit of just the right one to suit me for the next couple of years. If I ever get around to it.