Orange is, without doubt, my least favourite colour. I never wear it, and rarely buy anything that is at all orangey. I tore open my package last week to find an orange skein of yarn. It wasn't even yellowish-orange, or brownish-orange, or (one could only hope) pinkish-orange. It was Orange. Like, if orange was a two-by-four that hit you over the head, it would be this shade of orange. Nevertheless, I decided to give it a chance, and to my surprise, discovered that I even kinda like it. It's just so darn bright and cheerful and friendly, that I couldn't possibly resent it just for being orange. The yarn is from Hazel Knits, called "oh my darlin", and the funny thing is that the only other time I've used Hazel Knits yarn, it was also an orangey-pink yarn that I bought at the first Sock Summit.

The two patterns were a bit harder to choose from, since they are both pretty cool, but I chose the road easier traveled, and knit the ones Cookie called Jubilee Socks. For some reason, the word jubilee kept jumbling in my brain into Jubal Early, a bounty hunter ("So you're a bounty hunter..." "That ain't it at all." "So what are you?" "I'm a bounty hunter.") from Joss Whedon's Firefly. Jubal Early isn't particularly orange, but his is as unlikeable as he is likeable, which suits, I think.
The socks themselves were a simple 6-row repeat, with purl welts alternating with a little lacy faux-cable. Easy to knit and very quick. They fit well, and what better way to brighten up a rainy day than with some bright cozy socks.