After I had laid Thermal out to block last week, I picked up some leftover wool I had sitting around and started a cute little 2x2 rib stripey scarf. I finished it Monday night. I love the colour combination -- a cool grey-green with a light icy lime. I had one full ball of the lime and two partial balls of the other. Worked perfectly. You can see below it another scarf -- garter stitch in red wool -- which I had from frogging a vest a while back. The scarves are part of my charity knitting plans this year. Rather than panicking during my holiday knitting and struggling to get something made for the local
Knit for Charity program, I have decided to make a little project (i.e. scarf, hat, mittens) out of leftover stash bits between every major project I finish. This will kill three birds with one stone (not that I'm really into killing birds, mind you):
- I will have lots of charity knits done, and won't have to rush during the holidays.
- I will use lots of leftover stash yarn, which I am otherwise incapable of parting with.
- I will get the instant gratification of doing many small projects, which will keep me motivated to work on the bigger ones.
See? Brilliant.

Next, we have the fabric I got for laundry bags. I'm modifying the pattern in Amy Butler's
In Stitches. By "modifying" I mean that I am too lazy to make it as fancy as she does, and too cheap to buy the Timtex for a project of this sort. So they will be a mere shadow of what they could be. But they will be easier and cheaper, and they will do the job. I know a picture of the fabric isn't very interesting (that's the wrong sides, btw) but I thought if I blog it, maybe I will be more motivated to finish them. Whether that will work, remains to be seen.

Then we have the completed back of Ribby Cardi. Yes, it's true. I cast it on yesterday morning and finished it this afternoon. Wow, is it ever different knitting worsted weight after the fingering-weight Thermal. This thing is flying off the needles. Mind you, I've just had two days off work. Now I have to go back, which will invariably slow my knitting down. (Damn work.) It is out of
Elann's Peruvian Highland Wool, which I've had for (literally) years. When I rediscovered knitting a couple of years ago, this is one of the first things I ordered yarn for. Then I got distracted. A lot distracted.
Two years distracted. Having rededicated myself to stashbusting, I dug it out. And I'm still digging it. The body will be in a bright blue; the sleeves (and collar?) in a lighter blue. I am making a 40/41 size, which is several inches of negative ease, but so far I am really convinced it is the right size for me. Nothing worse than a big old boxy cardi that doesn't show a girl's curves, right? Right now I'm thinking of a cherry red zipper that really pops... what do you think?

Lastly, here is a little pic of a pincushion I "made" a while ago. It's an adorable teacup I got from a friend, which I put a little pillow into. So cute. The fabric is the sweetest pink with little coffee cups and cursive "Coffee" all over it. Me, to a T. I love how it looks like a cupcake with sprinkles. It is the sort of project that takes no effort but gives so much reward -- perfect.